I found an interesting article regarding various depths of field. Shallow versus deep depth of field is important when shooting different scenes, especially in nature photography. By adjusting the depth of field within the photograph, the photographer is able to localize and emphasize certain details or hide distracting features in the scene. The amount of depth of field varies from each situation and different factors affect this.
According to this article, the easiest way to control the depth is using the aperture setting. This is the most simple way of adjusting depth because it does not require the photographer to change equipment or shooting position. Also, the aperture can be easily adjusted in a number of exposure modes.
The smaller aperture that is set, the greater depth of field achieved and the more of the shot appears in focus. However, remember that you have a limited range of aperture levels so you cannot always set the perfect aperture to every scene (or shot).
Other factors include focal length and the focused distance of the object. The article states that the wider angle of the lens, the more depth of field will be achieved. Also, the closer the focused distance, the less depth of field will result.
All of these are good tips, and the article did a good job explaining the factors and situations that affect various depths of field. I am interested in trying different techniques to alter the depth of field on my next shoots.
The next photos is from "Digital-photography-school" website demonstrating both narrow and wide depths of field. I'll show one example photo and one of my own that related to each depth of field.
Narrow depth of field: The first photo is an example. The second photo is my own.
Wide depth of field: The first photo is an example. The second photo is my own. Taken in Madison Valley, Montana.
Sierra Hentges
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